Friday, January 15, 2010

For my brothers: I thought about you all day, I don't know if it is the soldier we had an obit for here in Kingsport, that got killed in Iraq the other day, or if it is because of your time to leave is coming so quickly..

But whatever the reason that my heart feels heavy tonight, just know that I love you both very much. You are both great men for doing what you are doing. And our country is going to be served by two great men. But as a sister, it is hard to think you will be so far away, or that you might lay in your bed and be lonely, or be out somewhere and be cold without a way to get warm, or for some reason going hungry because you are working so hard you haven't had time to eat, or that you might be scared because you don't know what the next second will hold, or God forbid even injured.

I pray for you, I tell God to watch over you and bring you home safely. I also tell God to help you both with things that you need help with.

Our family is an amazing family if you really sit and think about whatall we have overcome, all the sacrafices that mom made to keep us all together, and to keep us fed and clothed. And we all came out ok. We aren't drug addicts, we don't drink or smoke. And other than the stupid family fueds we are an amazing group of people.

It is going to be hard for me to know that you are in Iraq and in harms way, but I have to trust and have faith that God is in control.
People make decisions in life that others don't understand, but we have to be thankful that they do, or else we would have no one fighting for our freedom to sit here on a computer and be free enough to not worry about being blown apart, or our families being harmed. Someday a time will come that we don't have to worry about anything or anyone, we will have that wonderful heavenly peace and eternal happiness.

I love you both with all of my heart. Please know that I do. I wished I had you both here right now to wrap my arms around and tell you face to face that I love you.

Please be safe and know of the love that I have for you will be eternally strong. You will be thought of daily and prayed for daily.

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